Friday, February 24, 2012

Friday's Fave Five #63

It's time for another Friday's Fave Five (hosted by Susanne at Living to Tell the Story).

My Fave Five this week:-

1. I love Fridays! We host a weekly dinner and Bible Study for the international students (who attend our local university) in our home every Friday evening. ...studying God's Word...praying for one another...sharing Christ's love...priceless!

2. Shopping at a homeschool bookstore. I could easily spend hours there and go broke :).

3. Shopping at an Asian grocery store. I enjoy Asian foods such as curry, dim sum stuff, Thai peppers, seaweeds, all sorts of noodles, etc. It's a real treat whenever I go to one (none is near us).

4. My current giveaway: you can win a copy of The Mighty Macs DVD on my other blog. Ends 3/4/12

5. My 18 yo daughter, Alyssa's eBook, Deadly Delirium is being released today
by the Euterpe (YA) Imprint of Musa Publishing! She is hosting a giveaway on her blog where you can win a copy. You can also check out her Deadly Delirium Facebook page for all the interviews, reviews, and giveaways.


Denise said...

Wonderful favorites.

Gattina said...

I love Asian food too ! Today I will have lunch with a friend in a Thai restaurant !

Susan@FruitfulWords said...

How fun to have 2 giveaways. Your daughter must be very excited about her ebook. And I bet you are very proud of her. :)

So glad you were able to go shopping at the Asian market. I am spoiled because we have an Asian market that is very close by. I'd like to incorporate more Asian dishes into my diet.

How did you get into this ministry with the International students? I have been thinking that I'd like to do the same.

Divas said...

What a great week!
We have a used christian bookstore that has a huge homeschool section. I got to spend some time there last weekend. I love the asian market too...thought I am still learning a lot of the foods! I have found pinterest to be a wonderful place for some asian recipes.
Congrats to your daughter!

nikkipolani said...

Isn't it fun to go to Asian markets? I love all the crazy things I find there and wonder how to use it. Glad you had some time to shop at one this week. Your weekly dinner and study sounds terrific. What a wonderful time you must all have.

Susanne said...

It must be very interesting hosting international students. What a wonderful way to learn about other cultures and share your faith.

Very exciting for your daughter to have a ebook.

Faith said...

That's great about your daughter's ebook! congrats to her....and how awesome that you host international students and talk about the Lord. We also love Asian foods and living near Albany we have a good selection of stores to choose from to buy products for cooking! ENjoy your weekend!!

Willow said...

We live a long drive from an Asian market but when I go, I stock up--sweet soy sauce and spices.

Congrats to your daughter on her book publication! At eighteen, that's a great accomplishment.

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