"The overall lesson about worshipping the Lord in spirit and truth is that worship of God is not to be confined to a single geographical location or necessarily regulated by the temporary provisions of Old Testament law. With the coming of Christ, the separation between Jew and Gentile was no longer relevant, nor was the centrality of the temple in worship. With the coming of Christ, all of God’s children gained equal access to God through Him. Worship became a matter of the heart, not external actions, and directed by truth rather than ceremony." (from www.gotquestions.org) True worship involves loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, prompted by the indwelling Spirit of God. May we center our minds' attention and hearts' affection on the Lord! "Mind corresponds to the understanding of the truth of God's perfections. Love corresponds to the delight in the worth and beauty of those perfections. God is glorified both by being understood and being delighted in." (John Piper) Our heart's posture towards God should be: complete surrender, utmost reverence, joyful dependence, deepest gratitude, humble obedience, faithful devotion, and highest adoration. To me, that's worship. We can daily worship God by offering up our lives...our all (body, spirit, heart, mind, word, action) to praise and honor Him. "The body of the Christian becomes a temple in which God is worshiped in every thought and meditation and in the performing of every duty." (Lehman Strauss)

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