I'm pretty sure all of us have had some sleepless nights (some more so than others). Is your mind working overtime, jumping from one worry to another or thinking of all the things that you have to do the next day? David turned his sleepless night into a worshipful time with God. He lay awake thinking of God and meditated on Who God is and what God has done. David remembered and acknowledged that God had helped him and protected him. He chose to cling to God and rest in God's loving & mighty hand which had kept him safe and secure. "I have seen You in the sanctuary and beheld Your power and Your glory." (verse 2) David's confidence was in God because he had experienced God's presence and had seen God's power and glory. To David, God's unfailing love is better than life itself (verses 3 & 4, "Because Your love is better than life, my lips will glorify You. I will praise You as long as I live, and in Your Name I will lift up my hands.") Therefore, he continued to praise God and sing praises to Him even in the midst of great distress. "But the king will rejoice in God." (verse 11a)
To ponder:
A cure for sleepless nights is to turn our thoughts to God. Next time you cannot sleep, try turning your sleepless night into a quiet time of reflection, prayer, and worship. Use that time to review how God has guided, provided, protected, and blessed you. Instead of counting sheep, count your blessings and remind yourselves of God's faithfulness. Thoughts of God will calm your soul and lead you into true rest.
Rest in God and sleep well, my friends :)!
What a beautiful message. Oftentimes I HATE sleepless nights... I think of ALL the things I could be doing OTHER than NOT sleeping... like sleeping. But your alternative of turning our thoughts towards God is so refreshing...
I will definitively keep this i mind next time.
Thank you for sharing your post. The best thing to do on a sleepless night is to pray to God, telling Him everything and pondering on what He is.
I unfortunately spend many sleepless nights and I try to count my blessings and pray. Long nights are just that... Long nights with God. Wise words
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