I've always loved the book of Daniel in the Bible. Such a remarkable faith was displayed throughout Daniel's life. I have not finished reading Against the Flow yet (it's a thick book with 434 pages) but so far it has been fascinating and insightful. I keep underlining important messages as I read. If you ever want to study the book of Daniel in depth, this is the book for you. There's so much that we, Christ's followers, can learn from Daniel and apply in our lives in this present age of relativism which wages war against God's absolute truth. The "anything goes" philosophy is widespread in our culture today. We must stand up for truth and go against the flow by being light and salt in this world.
This book explores and expounds all 12 chapters of the book of Daniel. It examines the life and faith of Daniel and his three friends who were captured by Nebuchadnezzar (Emperor of Babylon) and taken from their homes and families to live in Babylon. These four teenagers were resolved to faithfully live for God and honor Him, no matter what. Their wholehearted devotion to God, steadfast faith, and uncompromising integrity are exemplary and inspiring. They not only survived but also thrived victoriously in the pagan environment. We, too, are called to make an impact in this world...in the anti-God culture we live in. Daniel stood firm in his faith while remaining respectful to those who didn't share his faith and as a result, he was highly respected by others. His example offers us many valuable, practical lessons. This book is a combination of history, Bible commentary, theology, and apologetics. It includes eight pages of color photographs (of archaeological evidence) and questions for reflection or discussion. The author encourages readers to be courageous, prayerful, and tactful like Daniel and to be bold witnesses for Christ. Check out this inspirational, thought-provoking read!
"God is in ultimate control of history; but this does not eliminate, bypass, or otherwise invalidate human responsibility to seek and reach out for God." (p. 17)
"Although he (Daniel) lived in the world, he did not live for it. It was in another world that he invested his life, and it is there that he now enjoys his inheritance. It goes without saying that one would be a fool to live for another world if that world did not exist. That really would be seriously delusional. On the other hand, if it does exist, not to invest one's life in it would be equally delusional, would it not? " (p. 24)
"At the heart of postmodernism lies a patent self-contradiction. It expects us to accept, as absolute truth, that there are no absolute truths...The fact is that no one can live without a concept of absolute truth." (p. 39)
"We are capable of making choices. Denying ultimate accountability devalues me as a human being, because if what I do doesn't really matter then I don't matter either." (p. 43)
"In order to combat our anxieties and prepare ourselves to give an answer to those who will ask, we are first and foremost to set Christ apart in our hearts as Lord. Indeed, how can there be conviction and power in our evangelism if it is not so?" (p. 59)

John C. Lennox is Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford and Fellow in Mathematics and Philosophy of Science at Green Templeton College. He lectures on Faith and Science for the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics. He is author of a number of books on the relations of science, religion and ethics. He and his wife, Sally, live near Oxford.
1 comment:
This sounds like a wonderful book. God has directed me to read in Daniel for the past three Bible readings....then I am seeing this here today. There is so much spiritual gold to dig out of this book. God help us to be courageous in this fallen world. There is much work for Christ left to do. Thank you for the recommendation and encouragement. :)
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