God's divine power has given us whatever we need spiritually through our knowledge of Him. "All things" means that we lack nothing. He gives and He gives freely out of His everlasting love and inexhaustible grace. God's power is always available and always adequate for whatever we may face in life (He already knows what we will face). God's omnipotence is at work for us and in us. How wonderful this truth is! What a generous, gracious, mighty God we serve! He empowers us to live an abundant life of Godliness for Him. "For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill His good purpose." (Philippians 2:13)
In 2 Peter, Peter wants to warn Christians about false doctrine. It is essential that we know the right Jesus. "Now this is eternal life; that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom You have sent." (John 17:3) Watch out for all sorts of different gospels and different Jesus! God reveals Himself in His Word. We need to keep studying the Bible in order to know Him more and more. The better we know God, the better we are able to apply His principles for our lives and the more we grow in Godliness. What we know/believe will dictate what we say and what we do. That's why it's so important for us to know/understand God's Word. In addition, when we're so familiar with God's truths, we'll be able to detect any false teaching/false doctrine/Satan's lies immediately. "It is impossible to practice godliness without a constant, consistent and balanced intake of the Word of God in our lives." (Jerry Bridges) "The difference between worldliness and godliness is a renewed mind." (Erwin W. Lutzer)
Christ's own unique glory (excellence of His Being/His attributes) and virtue (excellence of His deeds) draw us to Himself. We "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18) by feeding on God's Word and by imitating Him. Godliness is Christlikeness. "Godliness is devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to him." (Jerry Bridges) "It (Godliness in Greek) comes from two words: well and to worship. A godly person worships well. He directs his worship rightly...Godliness is true and real spiritual relation to God. Religion relates more to outward acts of religious observance or ceremony. Godliness, on the other hand, cherishes the will of God." (Dr. Grant C. Richison) Since God has granted us everything we ever need for our Christian life & Godliness, there is no excuse whatsoever for not living vibrant, Godly lives or for not growing in Christlikeness. "We may have as much of God as we will. Christ puts the key of the treasure-chamber into our hand, and bids us take all that we want. If a man is admitted into the bullion vault of a bank and told to help himself, and comes out with one cent, whose fault is it that he is poor?” (Alexander Maclaren) "If the way of godliness is rejected so is the hope of eternal life. So Peter forbids us to turn our faith into a fire insurance policy for escaping hell while our lives remain unchanged. The hope of life and the way of godliness stand or fall together." (John Piper)
In 2 Peter, Peter wants to warn Christians about false doctrine. It is essential that we know the right Jesus. "Now this is eternal life; that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, Whom You have sent." (John 17:3) Watch out for all sorts of different gospels and different Jesus! God reveals Himself in His Word. We need to keep studying the Bible in order to know Him more and more. The better we know God, the better we are able to apply His principles for our lives and the more we grow in Godliness. What we know/believe will dictate what we say and what we do. That's why it's so important for us to know/understand God's Word. In addition, when we're so familiar with God's truths, we'll be able to detect any false teaching/false doctrine/Satan's lies immediately. "It is impossible to practice godliness without a constant, consistent and balanced intake of the Word of God in our lives." (Jerry Bridges) "The difference between worldliness and godliness is a renewed mind." (Erwin W. Lutzer)
Christ's own unique glory (excellence of His Being/His attributes) and virtue (excellence of His deeds) draw us to Himself. We "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18) by feeding on God's Word and by imitating Him. Godliness is Christlikeness. "Godliness is devotion to God which results in a life that is pleasing to him." (Jerry Bridges) "It (Godliness in Greek) comes from two words: well and to worship. A godly person worships well. He directs his worship rightly...Godliness is true and real spiritual relation to God. Religion relates more to outward acts of religious observance or ceremony. Godliness, on the other hand, cherishes the will of God." (Dr. Grant C. Richison) Since God has granted us everything we ever need for our Christian life & Godliness, there is no excuse whatsoever for not living vibrant, Godly lives or for not growing in Christlikeness. "We may have as much of God as we will. Christ puts the key of the treasure-chamber into our hand, and bids us take all that we want. If a man is admitted into the bullion vault of a bank and told to help himself, and comes out with one cent, whose fault is it that he is poor?” (Alexander Maclaren) "If the way of godliness is rejected so is the hope of eternal life. So Peter forbids us to turn our faith into a fire insurance policy for escaping hell while our lives remain unchanged. The hope of life and the way of godliness stand or fall together." (John Piper)

Great post. I've had a long day and really needed this today:-) Thank you.
Many of us are so fortunate and don't even realize how much so. Goof post! I am visiting from the FB Blogger group and hope that you will visit and leave me a comment on my blog too.
Enzie via Portraits by NC
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