Thursday, February 6, 2020

God's Word Gives Us Hope

"Everything that was written in the past" refers to the Old Testament. It was written to teach us truths about God and instruct us how to live. The Word of God as a whole has abiding value. We cannot neglect the Old Testament Scriptures. The Scriptures encourage us, comfort us, and give us power and strength to patiently endure trials and difficulties so that we may have confident hope (full assurance) to press on, come what may. God's Word gives us God's perspective on things and that Biblical perspective helps make unbearable situation bearable. God's Word enables us to remain steadfast in hope and persevere in a path of obedience even when we encounter tribulations, adversities, and opposition. All Scripture has spiritual benefit for Christians in all generations. Though God's Word was written in the past, it is valuable and relevant for all time. Reading about the examples of faith, courage, and perseverance in the Old Testament gives us encouragement to cling to our eternal hope and to never give up. Through the Scriptures, we see what God did for His children and how God worked in & through different lives and circumstances for their good and His glory and we see that God is always true to His Word, never failing to keep His promises; therefore, we trust Him and live in hope. For example, we learn how Job never understood why God allowed all the sufferings he had to endure yet he understood that trials had purpose and he accepted that. We learn how God helped Joseph, David, Jeremiah, Daniel (and many more) overcome their obstacles/hardships and how they trusted God through those difficult circumstances. We are encouraged by their examples.

The Holy Spirit uses God's Word to shape our will, mold our heart, and renew our transform our lives. Through Scriptures, God gives us encouragement & courage to persevere through any storms of life and shows us reasons to hold fast to a living hope (absolute certainty) for our glorious future. God's Word helps us look beyond our problems and pains, beyond sufferings and sorrows, beyond here and now, to our ultimate, eternal glory in Christ. Our hope is based on God's attributes and character revealed in His Word.

"The Christian hope has seen everything and endured everything, and still has not despaired, because it believes in God. It is not hope in the human spirit, in human goodness, in human achievement; it is hope in the power of God." (William Barclay) 

A Christian will part with anything rather than his hope; he knows that hope will keep the heart both from aching and breaking, from fainting and sinking; he knows that hope is a beam of God, a spark of glory, and that nothing shall extinguish it till the soul be filled with glory.” (Thomas Brooks)

Prayer: Thank You, Abba Father, for Your Holy Word that teaches, guides, counsels, encourages, & comforts me and gives me hope! Thank You for Your presence that makes all the difference in the world! Please help me to learn from Your Word, grow in wisdom and understanding, have unshakable hope in Christ alone, and persevere to the end. In Jesus' Name, I pray. Amen.

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