Stores around the country already have Christmas stuff on their displays even though we have not even had Thanksgiving yet. But do most people really know or care about the real reason for CHRISTmas? Commercialism and materialism are major problems among affluent countries like ours. In 2010, Gospel for Asia (GFA) started Forgotten Christmas, a project that aims to bring the focus of Christmas back to Jesus Christ. How do you think Jesus wants us to celebrate His birth? "This is love for God: to obey His commands." (1 John 5:3a) "If you love Me, keep My commands" (John 14:15) I believe Jesus would want us to celebrate Him (everyday, not just in December by the way) by obeying His Word. We can celebrate Jesus by spreading the Good News, worshiping Him, proclaiming His name, doing good and sharing with others, especially those in need.
What do you think and how do you feel after watching the video? Did you know that there are still 2 billion people who have never heard about Jesus? You can make a difference in the world by giving, praying, and doing your part. Did you know that you can give 200 Gospel tracts for only $1? Your $3 can give a believer in Asia his or her own Bible. Or 8 New Testaments for $4 (that's about the price of one Starbucks Frappuccino). Every year, we (including our kids) look forward to Gospel for Asia's Christmas catalog. We look through and pick out gifts we want to give to the poor and needy in Asia. The kids give from their own money (which they've received as birthday gifts from relatives). It's so good for our kids to experience themselves what it means when Jesus says, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." Generosity is an antidote to greed and self-centeredness.
We are blessed by God to be a blessing to others. We are given opportunities to show our gratitude for God's Greatest Gift, Jesus Christ, by sharing His love and His message of salvation with others. Instead of buying things we don't need, let's impact lives and invest in eternity! Give gifts with eternal benefits. Gifts that keep on giving. Gifts that give hope. I encourage you to get a Christmas gift catalog (or more than one to share with families and friends) and help spread the word about this. Please visit http://www.gfa.org/gift to request a catalog(s) or browse online. Did you know that 100% of your donation to GFA goes directly to the needy or mission field (none taken out for administrative costs)? Let's celebrate Christ and transform lives at the same time!
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did it for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of Mine, you did for Me.’” (~Matthew 25:40) When you give these gifts to the least of these, you're giving gifts to Jesus. Remember...it's His birth we celebrate, after all.
This year, how does your family plan to keep a meaningful and Christ-centered CHRISTmas? Please share your ideas.

This post is linked up with Fellowship Fridays @Christian Mommy Blogger, Faith-filled Friday @Missional Women, Faith Along the Way, Essential Fridays, Still Saturday @sandraheskaking, Spiritual Sundays, Sharing His Beauty @The Beauty in His Grip, Playdates with God at The Wellspring, The Weekend Brew @My Freshly Brewed Life, Inspire Me Monday @Create With Joy, Sincerely, Paula, 3-D Lessons for Life, #GiveMeGrace, Unforced Rhythms, Sunday Stillness, and Tell Me a True Story.
We had a Chinese exchange student live with us for a year and attend the Christian academy where I taught. It was her first introduction to Christianity. On Christmas she wanted to go shopping. I explained that the stores were closed. She told me that in China, it was the best shopping day of the year and everyone had 'Christmas sales' on December 25. Yep. it's a commercial endeavor all over the world.
Blestbutsrest-That just amazes me...
One of the things we work really hard to do is to limit the non-Christmas things at Christmastime. I don't care if the circus is in town, it's not putting our minds on the season!
We love the Gospel for Asia catalog, too. My kids also enjoy picking out something. Their hearts are open and generous. hank you for sharing this via a blog post-- a good idea.
Good reminder! Every year, we try to find little ways to help others, but I'm sure there is always more that we can do.
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