- All of us were born sinners by nature and we do sin by choice (disobey God, rebel against God, and fall short of God's standards). Because of this, we all deserve eternal damnation in Hell. But thanks to God's
unfailing love and grace, He provided the Way for
us to be reconciled to Him, to be cleansed of our sins, and to spend eternity with Him in Heaven.
- The one and only Way is Jesus Christ. Christ is our propitiation. God is both just and merciful. Since God is just, He cannot leave sin
unpunished. In His mercy, God
took upon Himself the punishment of our sin, in the Person of
Christ (the Sinless Sacrificial Lamb). Therefore, He can forgive our sin and those who accept the gift
of salvation also receive Christ's righteousness. By God's
undeserved grace, all who put their faith in Jesus Christ and His finished work of redemption at the cross are justified (declared not guilty) and are granted the status of being considered righteous before God. Jesus removes from us the punishment of sin that we deserve and the power of sin that enslaves us. When God forgives our sins, our record of wrongs is wiped out. Now when
He looks at us, He sees Christ's righteousness and sees us
as though we
had never sinned.
- Redemption--Jesus sets sinners free from slavery to sin and from its penalty. He purchased our freedom by paying the price with His
life which was the
ultimate sacrifice (once for all) required by the justice of God.
- It is very important to
understand that salvation is a free gift from God. None of us can be good enough/do enough good deeds to earn salvation. It's by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. It's not because of any merit in
us but all because God is love and God is
unbelievably gracious, kind, merciful, and compassionate towards
unworthy sinners.
- God's Good News is available to all. Jesus is a Friend of sinners.We should be the same, showing grace and compassion to
unbelievers. Love them like Jesus! And share with them the gospel of God's grace.
- Do not ever minimize the seriousness of sin. We all were born with sin-sick souls. The spiritual disease of sin-sickness leads to spiritual death
(eternal separation from God). Jesus said in Matthew 9:12-13b, "
It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick...For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." "
The cause of all trouble, the root of all sorrow, the dread of every
man lies in this one small word--sin. It has crippled the nature of
man...It has caused man to be caught in the devil's trap." (Billy Graham) Not
until we realize our helplessness is there desire for and appreciation of a Savior! Not
until we acknowledge our sin can we see the necessity for repentance and redemption!
- Unless you repent of your sins and put your trust in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you're still lost and dead in your sin. Do you want freedom from the penalty of sin? Believe that Christ died for you and rose from the dead; He defeated death so that you can truly live. But you must respond by confessing your sins, surrendering your life to Him
unreservedly, devoting your life to live for Him with an
undivided heart, and depending
utterly on Him Who is
unchangeable. "
For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit." (1 Peter 3:18) Your eternal destiny is a matter of the
utmost importance. Do not delay. We're never promised tomorrow (or the next second for that matter).
You and I have never been unloved!