This week...
1. I am thankful that the best Gift in the world is free to all. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16) No gifts can ever compare to Jesus, the greatest Gift of all!
2. I am thankful for any gifts or abilities the Lord has blessed me with. I desire to use them wisely and for His glory.
3. I am thankful that God never leaves me nor forsakes me (Deuteronomy 31:6). Praise Immanuel (Matthew 1:23)! God is with us and in us!
4. I am thankful for running water and clean water. Water is very important; however, we don't really think about it until we have to live without it. One of my friends has had no water because of broken pipes. Daily living has become difficult for her and her family. Now think about those people in some countries who have no clean water. Please do all you can to help.
5. I am thankful for Christian writers who are willing to share their stories to help and encourage others. I am hosting 12 Pearls of Christmas. Each day until Dec. 25th, I post different inspiring and touching stories written by Christian female authors. Please scroll down to read what I have posted so far.
P.S. I'm having a book giveaway on my HSB blog. You can win a copy of 40 Loaves: Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day by C.D. Baker.
Good morning. It is true that water is taken for granted until you don't have any. No pipes frozen this morning but I had to wait until my car thawed out before I could drive it. The water in the windshield sprayer was frozen.
wonderful list. I'm hopping over to see the stories. FYI - I too am offering a book giveaway on my blog. Ends tonight. www.cultofdeception.blogspot.com
Wonderful list....I had to go without water 2 weeks when pipes froze and broke one year...nothing like it.
Beautiful list!
Our daughter Lexi has Clean Water 4 Christmas Project this month! http://jumps4joy.blogspot.com
She is building her first well in Sudan in 2010!
We are so proud of her!
Blessings in Christ,
Such great blessings.
All great blessings on your list. I do agree that all the amenities we sport, i.e. electricity, water, cars, heat/air conditioning, etc, are taken for granted until we do not have them. Then we really start to appreciate them.
Thank You Lord for allowing this as a lesson and reminder not to take You for granted. In Jesus' name, amen.
I like youe music:)
A King's Kid
Love your list. I can't image being without water. We have been without electricity for a couple of days before and almost ran out of water but never did.
My New Years Resolution is to right down one thing I am thankful for each day in a journal without repeating myself. Thankfullness and having a thankful heart is so important for Christians!!!
Elizabeth, PW and HS mom to 3!
Great list. Have a blessed weekend!
Hi there! visiting from Sonja's TT post. I love your blog and your focus on Christ. I look forward to reading more of your posts!
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