These pictures of my youngest son were taken in 2005. He was 4 years old. The three stockings were for our 3 kids. The three presents were for Jesus. It's one of our traditions. Whenever our kids do something that pleases the Lord (being kind, helpful, patient, humble, putting others above themselves, etc.), my husband or I write it down on a little piece of paper and put it into their boxes (I cut a little slit on top of each box). On Christmas day, after Daddy reads from the Bible about Christ's birth, the kids open their presents for Jesus and we read out loud what they have done to please the Lord. By the way, to us...it doesn't matter if Jesus's birthday is not Dec. 25th, we want to celebrate Him and His birth anyway :). I expressed my thoughts on this issue in my poem, "What Really Matters".
May Jesus always be on your mind and may His love, peace, and joy always be in your heart! Merry CHRISTmas and have a blessed New Year!
P.S. I'm hosting a book giveaway on my HSB blog. You can win a copy of 40 Loaves: Breaking Bread with Our Father Each Day by C.D. Baker. The deadline is this Sunday, Dec. 20th at midnight (Pacific time). Hope you will stop by and enter :)!
Previous Friday Photo Flashback:
- To Grandma's House We Go
- Best Brothers...Best Buddies
- Harvest Festival
- I Love Mommy & Daddy
- Corn Roast Festival
- A Taste of Thailand
- I Could Never Promise You
- In Father's Hands
- Thai Version of Wipe Out
- My Graduation Day in Thailand
I LOVE IT!! It's wonderful that you're instilling the true meaning while the kids are little. I don't care if it's actually the 25th either, I think it's a true celebration!! Have a great weekend ~ ♥
Those are lovely Christmas stockings.
My picture with a stranger
You exemplify what loving Jesus means to your children. That's awesome! God bless and may you have a blessed Christmas!
He is so happy in this photo.
Mine is up too
I love that idea about writing down things they did to please the Lord. That is wonderful!!!
Wondering...is this an all year long thing or for the month of December? I love the idea of writing their good deeds down. Not to magnify them but to positively reinforce that behavior so they learn what to keep on doing and hopefully look back at what NOT to do!
Elizabeth, PW and HS mom to 3 who's gonna steal this idea!
what a great tradition!
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