Monday, July 15, 2013

Mere Mist (James 4:13-16)

- It's about the attitude here. There's nothing wrong with planning in itself. However, according to these verses, the planners or merchants here ignored 2 considerations: 1. the finite/limited knowledge of human beings and 2. the uncertainty of life (our life is just a mist/vapor/puff of smoke).
- James denounces the bragging/boasting (arrogance) as evil/sinful.
- God wants us to trust Him about the future. You know that common saying, "We don't know what the future holds but we know Who holds the future." Our future is in God's hands.
- Two opposing attitudes: 1. I'm the lord of my life; I'm in charge/in control. I'm going to make this happen and that happen. With no regard for God's plan for my life, I'll determine what I'm going to do when, where, and how. 2. God is the Lord of my life and He is in control. I submit everything I plan and hope for to His will. I surrender all. I only want His will...nothing more...nothing less...nothing else!
- We are not promised tomorrow. We must keep in mind our temporal nature and God's will when we make plans. This is another warning against pride and arrogance and worldliness. Our confidence, hope, and dependence should be in and upon God, not self and not the world.

Deo volente! God willing!
Dei gratia! By the grace of God...
#theuncertaintyoflife #lifeisshort #livinginthelightofeternity

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